I’m still working on my mystery project (which has me saying weirdly obvious things out loud, such as “wow, 9 yards is the same as 27 feet”, just because it took something like 5 hours to cut out the pieces from the 9 yards of fashion fabric), but with two muslins needed for someone who doesn’t live at my house, there was time between fittings for a concurrent project. Not that I would get distracted or anything:
I’ve noticed a need in my wardrobe for some casual dresses, the kind that are easy to throw on in a hurry and easy to wash. My stripy Tiramisu, despite my initial worry that the stripes overpower me, is turning out to have been worn a lot since I finished it. I will note, in passing, that washing it did help the fabric recovery and it fits quite nicely now.
Enter a new version of Tiramisu in a 100% cotton knit from my stash (acquired from The Fabric Fairy sometime last fall with this dress in mind). My favorite on-line source for knit fabrics would definitely have to be The Fabric Fairy, partly because of the nice selection of fabrics, and partly when I get a box of things I’ve ordered, I can then say I was visited by the fabric fairy. It might be lame, but it IS fun to say.
I think novelty-prints are fun for casual dresses, but so many of them are printed on quilting cotton, which doesn’t lend itself to durable clothing. This cotton-knit was definitely meant to be turned into clothing; It’s so comfortable. I do wish it had just a little bit of Lycra in it, but that might just be spoiling myself. With the busy print I suppose it would have been more conventional to make it into a maxi-dress, but this was more fun.
I put some effort into stripe-matching, this is basically a plaid consisting of directional hearts and non-directional pinstripes. I don’t know what happened down that center back bodice seam that nothing matches. Oh, well. I’m not planning to lose sleep over what’s done (though if I ever make a plaid Tiramisu, I’ll check that seam more carefully as I cut it out)
What’s that sneaking in at the bottom left here? Is that Jalie 2805 in a smallish size?
Yes, it is a small v-neck T-shirt. It fits, but there isn’t a lot of growing room. I think I’ll trace it off a size or two larger before I make the next one for her. I’m really happy with that pattern. This is the first shirt I’ve made from it, and with the size/neckline options included, it should keep Guinevere in t-shirts until she grows up and moves out. From the picture above, I gather that someone must have told Guinevere that models don’t smile…but I’d bet they do when they hug their moms.
Stash-busting stats: 15/25
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