Auntie Laura’s Maxi Dress: Week 1

I wonder how Susie H. and Auntie Mary are progressing on their maxi dress projects. Mine is finished—in my mind. I have the pattern picked out, have the pre-washed fabric, have the whole month of August to turn this fabric

100% cotton fabric.
I think these are crab apples, but I could be wrong. I also think this needs pressing.

into view E of this dress pattern.

Simplicity #2692

What could be easier? So I haven’t laid out the pattern pieces yet or read the instructions for Simplicity 2692. I’ve perused the envelope and taken my measurements. Why hurry?

Besides, think of everything I have already accomplished this summer:

I’ve made considerable progress on my “new room” project. (I actually just got done organizing the shoe shelf in my new closet. I am happy to report all pairs are accounted for and now proudly displayed by category, color, and heel height.) I scored some steal’s at Joann with my summer mailer discounts. The Uncles and I wrapped shooting and completed all audio and video editing of our latest short film. With the help of Grandma and the Aunties, I successfully hosted a summer party, movie premiere, and barn dance. And I’m almost finished with a commissioned portrait I’m illustrating in pencil.


One thing is for sure: If Susie Homemaker deserves a cocktail, Auntie Laura deserves a pedicure. So, this week the first thing on my to-do list is to complete Step 1 in the maxi dress challenge.

Step 1. Make a nail salon appointment.

Done and done!






One response to “Auntie Laura’s Maxi Dress: Week 1”

  1. Carolyn Avatar

    hehe, nail salon appointment… I love it 🙂 Your fruity fabric is very pretty, it will make a completely awesome maxi dress.

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