In the middle of sewing up a few things I’d recently cut out, a new project hit the queue this week. Guinevere’s class had been working on a special project for the past few months, an “art gallery” created by the students, and it culminated in a day they invited parents in to see. Each child had a job during the gallery opening, and each group doing the same job were supposed to dress somewhat alike. The security guards, which was the group to which Guinevere was assigned, wore all black with blue hats. I scrounged up an all black outfit for her out of her existing wardrobe, but had a harder time finding her a blue hat. She rejected the idea of wearing one of her brothers’, and mine don’t fit her yet. The newest Burda Style magazine just happened to have exactly the thing I needed. (Issue 4/2013, project 142B)
I gave her three different fabric options, plain blue denim, blue denim with various colored embroidered flowers, and the option of cutting up an old sparkly denim skirt I had made for myself years ago (don’t ask me why I thought a long-ish sparkly denim skirt was a good idea, I can’t remember now)
Obviously she chose the sparkly one. I mean, to suggest not choosing sparkly if sparkly is an option will get you this reaction:
Go figure, Burda Style puts out an issue with a whole section focusing on boys and mens patterns, and I make one up for my daughter instead of any of the males in the family. Oh well, the boys can have hats too sometime if they want. I made the smallest size and it fits reasonably well. The drafting on the pattern is lovely, as one would expect from Burda.
It took under 2 hours to make up this hat, that was with tracing the pattern, picking out fabric, and making it up following Burda instructions, not completely incomprehensible instructions, but they do take me longer to read through than some others. (Yes, I did need instructions to make a hat–that may make me lame, but at least I didn’t have to use my seam ripper to fix any mistakes on this project)
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