Can’t Keep My Opinions To Myself: Part 2

After last week’s post about things that annoy me in sewing blogs, I thought maybe I should go for balance and write about some things that I really like when I see them in sewing blogs.

1) I love when sewing bloggers use their local vernacular. Not necessarily that I go looking for non-English blogs, though between Google translate and pretty pictures, I don’t mind “reading” the occasional blog not written in English. Even in English, though, there are different terms for the same thing depending on  where one lives. Vest vs. camisole vs. singlet, for instance. My children’s favorite is British “trousers” vs. American “pants”. I happened to mention it one day and they all unanimously decided to call their jeans “trousers” from that point on. I suspect they’ve done that so they can giggle when people say the word “pants”, though they’ve never outright told me so. I don’t know why the vocabulary differences intrigue me so much, maybe because it’s one of those things that just shows up in natural writing or conversation, making blog-reading much less like catalog reading.

2) I love when sewing bloggers post pictures of themselves wearing what they’ve made. Inspiration can come from all over, so pictures of dresses on a hanger or on a dress form are not all bad. When the person who made something (or the person that something was made for) puts it on for pictures, though, that’s when the finished product really shows. This is where, for me anyway, sewing blogs trump fashion blogs. I don’t deny that it takes some skills to put together an outfit out of ready-to-wear and/or thrifted items, but I’ve noticed that in sewing blogs, more often the outfits that are put together look full and complete without having to add a different pair of shoes and a purse each time. One lobster brooch or maybe a hair clip is all they need to accent their outfits; shoes are just a bonus if we get to see them too.

Via Google Images

3) I love when multiple people sew the same thing. Whether it’s an interpretation of a theme, a color, or different versions of the exact same pattern, it’s fun to watch this kind of creativity. I know some people feel like they get tired of seeing too many of the same pattern all at once (usually I see this complaint in reference to newly released indie patterns, and usually from people who aren’t impressed by the particular pattern they are seeing). I actually really like this phenomenon, and if I do go through a phase where I’m not interested in seeing multiple makes of the same pattern, it’s pretty easy to skip those postings or to put them off until I’m more in the mood for them.

Via Google Images

4) I love when people spontaneously mention the tools they use in sewing. Not the sponsored-post/review kind of thing, but when they discuss their process and happen to mention specific things that work for them (or that don’t), that’s the kind of real-life information that can be usefully applied in my own experience.

5) I love when people call attention to things that inspired them. Links back to other bloggers, Pinterest, or even ready-to-wear sites all might be interesting. Yes, sometimes it can feel like I’ve fallen down a rabbit hole if I start clicking through on multiple links, but it’s fun to see the connections between an inspiration project and what someone else makes. Not to mention that it’s a nice vibe that comes out when people get credit for their creativity and inspirational qualities rather than having to wonder if someone is trying to take advantage of them.

Via Google Images

6) I love when sewing bloggers get things “for free”. Not in that “they don’t even write about their own projects anymore because they’re so busy doing advertisements for other people and maybe they’ve totally lost their blog voice” kind of way (which in my opinion seems to happen most often when people start to get over-committed to multiple projects/sponsors, not necessarily because they’ve agreed to connect with one or two companies in an exchange). No, I’m talking about when sewing bloggers get access to materials or something else they wouldn’t otherwise probably have, and that makes them want to put forth their very best effort to show it off. Whether it’s working in extra-nice fabrics, working with interesting pattern techniques, or making the most of a challenge handed to them by someone else, those postings often have a little extra passion behind them, and that makes them fun to read.

Via Google Images

7) I love when sewing bloggers make and wear exactly what they want to make and wear. One of the best things about making clothing rather than buying it is the ability to break the “rules” about what is “on trend” or what one is “supposed” to wear for one’s shape and size. Being able to hone a personal style without having to worry over-much about arbitrary codes that might be governing whether the items being sought even exist is an interesting freedom, one that exercised well in the world of home sewing.

What do you think? Are any of these something you have a passionate opinion on (even if it isn’t the same as mine)? Any things I probably love but missed on my list?





9 responses to “Can’t Keep My Opinions To Myself: Part 2”

  1. Suzanne Mills Avatar
    Suzanne Mills

    Hear hear! I love all those things.

  2. kristonlion Avatar

    I love seeing multiples of the same thing too! Even the styles I don’t like. Usually someone can make me like it-hahaha!

  3. Amanda Avatar

    Yes, I love all these things on blogs too! Only thing is I always feel abit ME,ME,ME when it is photos of me in the clothes! And I love seeing the same dress in different fabrics. I just joined in a conversation on Twitter with us all showing same pattern in different fabrics and it inspires me to try it out! I always feel inspired after seeing your makes too so you are getting your blog posts spot on!!

  4. ladykatza Avatar

    I love seeing multiple makes as well.

  5. prttynpnk Avatar

    I love to buy a pattern then check out the makes on PR- so inspiring to see the creative visions of other people- going beyond the envelope!

  6. liza jane Avatar

    Yes! I agree on all points. And number 7- you can really tell when someone has made something that they really will love and wear. I love seeing that look on someone’s face!

  7. Susan (moonthirty) Avatar

    Yes! I especially love the multiple people making the same thing, too…like when a pattern just positively sweeps across blogs, with so many variations, I find it incredibly inspiring. Way to go with keeping the “venting” balanced with the positive. 😉

  8. Caz J Avatar
    Caz J

    Hi Cari, only recently found your blog and have really enjoyed reading it. I agree with a lot of your points! Especially 1, 2 and 3
    1) Using local vernacular. Totally agree with this, but for a slightly different reason. I’m from England and therefore also have a slight giggle when things are called pants, as pants here are underwear! When I’m searching for help on how to fit trousers though (NEARLY there, god trousers/pants are hard to fit!) it really helps to remember that if I search ‘fitting for pants’ I’m going to get a LOT more hits from lovely American bloggers etc and therefore a lot more help!

    2) People who post pics of their makes and 3) multiple posts on a pattern. I love to see lots of different people posting pictures about a pattern so that I can see how it looks on lots of different types of bodies and what kind of accessories they have used. It makes it easier to see if the pattern would actually look nice on me and how I might style it along with any problems people have had with the construction which might help me out making mine.

  9. Lynn Avatar

    #7 is one of my favorite things about sewing. I would be a very sad and frustrated person if I was stuck wearing only what I could find in stores.

    I like to see what different people do with the same pattern too. This often gets me interested in patterns that I hadn’t noticed before or noticed and thought, “Eh. Not for me.” It helps a lot to see what clothes look like on real women.

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