Category: Uncategorized
Sew Colette 2.0, Work(s) in Progress & a Bit of Whining
I started a new project yesterday and I’m quite frustrated with it. Since Sew Colette 2.0 the Macaron dress got a time extension, I thought I’d use the second chance to finally get one made up for myself. I’ve had a couple of barriers to getting started (I planned to join this sew-along as soon…
In Defense of the “Big Four”…Maybe
So I was reading this post from Zoe of So Zo… and was going to comment, but then I realized that what I was thinking about was actually more of a posting of its own, rather off-topic from her post, but I’ve got to give her credit for making me think. I started wondering about the…
Moon Munkie Mystery Make: Part Two
Here it is. My finished dress using the fabric from Alessa’s Moon Munkie Giveaway. I first wore it for a day off with my husband which we spent wandering about a few areas in West Portland. The most interesting thing we did was to tour the Pittock Mansion. I can’t believe I’d never been to this…
Mommy-Made Back to School–The Bohemian Butterfly Top
I can’t believe that school starts next week! Not only that, but this year I will have two kids in school. Romeo is pretty easy to dress for school. Jeans, polo shirt, hoodie, with or without a heavy winter coat depending on the weather. It seems to be pretty much the default look for the…
Moon Munkie Mystery Make: Part One
About 2 months ago now (how the time has flown by this summer) I won Alessa’s Moon Munkie Mystery Make. Part of the deal with winning was a promise to post something made from the mystery package within about 4 weeks. Obviously, since this was about 2 months ago (give or take a bit for international…
Auntie Laura’s Maxi Dress: Week 1
I wonder how Susie H. and Auntie Mary are progressing on their maxi dress projects. Mine is finished—in my mind. I have the pattern picked out, have the pre-washed fabric, have the whole month of August to turn this fabric 100% cotton fabric. I think these are crab apples, but I could be wrong. I…
Jolly Farm Romper
This story starts with a fabric. This fabric to be precise: A few months ago we did that thing where we went to Hancock Fabrics during a sale and I let Lady G. run around pointing out fabrics she liked. She was very insistant that she looooved this fabric. Hmmmm. I asked “why”? “Because it has…
Useful but Bulky
Where have I been? Just trying to find my way out from under the drop cloth in the basement. Had to drag it upstairs…and outside. Takes two people to fold it. Now have to return it to my mom. I don’t know where she got it, but it’s nice of her to let me borrow…
Sniffling, Sneezing and Stirring Up Trouble
If those traversing the Oregon Trail in the 1800’s knew how many allergens awaited them when they reached the Willamette Valley, would they have been as eager to undertake the journey? I guess it’s now a moot point, but as I’ve been sniffling through the last week or two (even with Zyrtec and Benadryl), I have…