Category: Vintage and Vintage Looks
The Rear Window Dress: Planning and Design
(You can read all posts about the Rear Window Dress.) First things first. I needed to take stock of what I had and what I needed. I thought it might be best to take the dress apart first, to make sure that I could use the pieces and put them back together again without too…
The Rear Window Dress
Here is another tardy post. Seeing so many pledges to stash-bust this year has prompted me to stop procrastinating, though being home sick with a cold hasn’t seemed to help my productivity this week. But today I’m feeling a little better, and I’m just restless enough to drag myself to my computer to share some…
Down the Rabbit Hole
Here it is. The last stash busting project of the year, number 25 of 25. And what would a blog post be without pictures or conversation? I’ll begin at the beginning and when I come to the end, I’ll stop. Curiouser and curiouser, this dress is a perfect example of when OCD meets ADHD. I…
Miss Guinevere 1949
This is a project that was well over a year in the making. It started with picking up the fabric at a thrift store. It’s a nice thick wool. It didn’t have a tag on it to indicate where it came from, but in my opinion, it’s either a Pendleton wool or something very…
The Monthly Stitch: November Project
I feel like I’m coming down to the wire now with the projects I had wanted to complete in November, that is, the ones that included some type of theme/sew-along and therefore had deadlines not of the arbitrarily self-imposed variety. The Monthly Stitch had “Something From a Sewing Book” as their theme this month. Before…
Vintage Noir
This month’s challenge on The Monthly Stitch was vintage patterns. It was the perfect reason to finally get to a dress I’ve been planning to make for almost a year now. The pattern is Advance 8211, a pattern so good they released it twice. First as Advance 7011 which was unprinted, and the second…
Aunty Laura’s Confession
I have a confession. A weakness. An unforgivable trait. (Besides being terribly tardy and sporadic in my blog posts. For which I hope my sister will forgive me. Eventually.) No. There is something else. Something that I believe no one else quite understands. Thrift stores. Not that I mean to infer that thrift stores are…
Vintage Simplicity 3295: Blue Gingham Cuteness
I suspect that the real reason I wasn’t as excited by Guinevere’s Pink Cherry Dress as I probably should have been was this dress right here which I had cut out at the same time. If you think it looks a little old-fashioned, that’s probably because I used vintage Simplicity 3295 which has the copyright…
Butterick 5032: Mid-Century Furry Capelet
Have you seen the new collaborative sewing group, The Monthly Stitch? The plan is to collect a group of people to sew one thing a month based on the same theme. This month, the first month, the theme is capes. I know I have about a million things in my sewing queue that I need…