Down the Rabbit Hole

Here it is. The last stash busting project of the year, number 25 of 25. And what would a blog post be without pictures or conversation? I’ll begin at the beginning and when I come to the end, I’ll stop.

Alice Dress 5
Curtsy while you’re thinking. It saves time.
Curiouser and curiouser, this dress is a perfect example of when OCD meets ADHD. I find this happens so often when I’m sewing. I’m just never sure who I’m going to be from one minute to another. I’ll make a list of all the things I’d like to make, even gathering supplies, but then get distracted by a new pattern or another project. On the other hand, sometimes those distractions turn into a project I just can’t get out of my head until I see it fully made up. 

Alice Dress 4

Through the looking glass, things can and sometimes are made up in totally the wrong season. The fabric has been in my stash a while, It was originally in someone else’s stash, and gifted to me. It’s some kind of cotton or cotton blend, and the short sleeves and short skirt means tights and a layering tee underneath are necessities for the 34-or-so degree weather we’ve been having. Wouldn’t want her to lose anything to the cold, especially not her head.

Alice Dress 2

The pattern is Advance 8571; it’s from some year in the 1950’s. Girls wore their skirts short then. I didn’t have the option of adding any length to the skirt because I used up almost every scrap of fabric just making this dress up as it was. I gave it a little length by making a narrow hem on the bottom edge instead of hemming it up 3 inches as the pattern directed. Her crinoline skirt fits underneath just perfectly.

Alice Dress 1

I suspect that a big part of my OCD focus on getting this dress started had to do with not being sure whether there would be enough fabric to make the dress. For a bit, it seemed impossible, but sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast. I don’t do well with suspense, so I had to find out for sure. Perhaps I’m entirely bonkers, but I’ll tell you a secret. All the best people are.

The top fits a little bit big. It’s a well-drafted neckline and facing, but Guinevere’s shoulders don’t seem to fill it out completely. I could move the buttons over in the back if I needed to,  but for now I’m leaving it. If it fits the same in the summer when she won’t want a t-shirt under it, then I’ll move the buttons. I’m sure there’s a moral to that. Everything’s got moral. If only you can find it.

Alice Dress 3


So, there it is, the last stash busting project of the year. Do I have plenty of fabrics still left in my stash? Absolutely I do. I don’t know whether the 2013 stash-busting group will continue with new pledges in 2014, but whether they do or not, I think I’ll be making a new stash busting pledge next month. I do generally give myself very good advice, (though I very seldom follow it).

Stash busting stats: 25/25. All done 🙂


8 responses to “Down the Rabbit Hole”

  1. liza jane Avatar

    It is darling! Very well done.

  2. Loretta Orsborn Avatar
    Loretta Orsborn

    This is one of the cutest dresses, and by the way I think you have some of the best models you could ever ask for…..I enjoy seeing your projects!

  3. Peter Avatar

    LOVE this dress — it really does look like something out of a storybook. Great job!

  4. Gjeometry Avatar

    I’m a huge Alice in Wonderland fan and your girl modelling the lovely dress does not disappoint! Very cute.

  5. Laurie Avatar

    Such a cute dress! I used to sew such cuteness for my little girls- but they aren’t so little any more!

  6. EmSewCrazy` Avatar

    Yeah!! I’m so proud you completed your goal and man you went out with a Bang! FABULOUS dress! Love the way you worked all the quotes in as well…

    Yes, we are having a stash busting 2014. Some things will be changing and I’ll be announcing it soon… thanks so much for playing along with us this year and wanting to continue on!

  7. Lynn Avatar

    Lovely! I love the fabric, very sweet.

  8. elizabeth s Avatar

    AH! Teh Cute is to die for! Also, I love your Alice style writing here, lovely!

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