Maxi Dress Challenge: Bonus

If you thought I could do a Maxi Dress Challenge with the Aunties and not include something for Guinevere, think again.

The fabric is from the same gifted fabric stash as the rest for the Maxi Dress Challenge. I used the top pattern from Simplicity 4203 and added length to the gathered piece, measuring out how long I would need to make it from the waist marker on the pattern to be a maxi dress skirt before I cut it out. I basically followed the pattern instructions after that, and in no time at all, I had a dress fit for an Island Princess.

Now I will share multiple pictures of this dress, because I was just so incredibly happy with how well the style suited Guinevere as well as how great the pics were that I was getting with the light levels in that part of the front yard.

Here’s both of us in our dresses:
and one from my personal favorite angle (for me anyway):







One response to “Maxi Dress Challenge: Bonus”

  1. i heart fabric Avatar

    Love the fabric choice green looks very pretty on you. So cute both in maxi dresses!!

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