Redemption by Truffle

I may have overbooked my day somewhat today. Part of it I couldn’t help, I had a work meeting I found out about yesterday that I needed to go into Portland to attend. So I did that, and it made my workday seem very strange.

I also decided that I had to finish the Truffle dress I’d been working on. This was actually my third idea for this dress, but when laying out my pattern pieces, this one was the first of the ideas that I had enough fabric to cut out and make. It also may have been the best idea of the three. So I finished up my dress today, just in time to wear it out to the Colette Pattern Fall 2012 Launch Party in Portland (yes, I went to Portland twice today).

I had, oh, so much fun (I took Auntie Laura with me). There was wine, tiny cupcakes, a whole table of Colette Patterns, and I got to meet Sarai in person. (She is really sweet and down-to-earth) Overall, it was an entirely different sort of experience than what I remember from Sewing Expos of days past. There were some seriously cute versions of various Colette patterns being worn by the Party-goers (wish I had pics, though I imagine a few will show up on the Colette blog) Auntie Laura and I enabled each other in pattern-buying. Here’s my addition to the personal stash.

Yes, I am a Colette convert. Though I still haven’t worked out all the fitting nuances to adapt these patterns to my shape, the Truffle is a huge improvement over the Macaron (which I am not linking to because I really don’t want you to look…even though, I know that if you go back a few pages you will easily find it)
I used some thrifted fabrics for this dress, a probably all polyester satin-back crepe (or is it crepe-back satin?) as the skirt and lining and something that feels like it might be a poly-rayon blend (heavy on the poly) in plaid for the bodice and drape. I’m thinking that the fit might be better if I’d used natural fiber fabrics that would iron crisply and not run away from me when I sewed into them, but it is absolutely wearable. I’m thinking that even as the weather gets cooler, I should be able to add a grey or white layering tee underneath or a cardigan over the top with tights. 
My favorite thing about working with Colette patterns is the instructions. Most major pattern companies have a pretty standard way of writing instructions, whether or not each step really works best for that particular pattern or not. The instructions for this dress are definitely just for this dress. I love how the lining/fabric are joined and the invisible zip is placed per the instructions. It just went together so smoothly.
Note the tiny eyes and ears in the bottom left of this pic. Gru-cat was waiting up for me when I got home.
 I’ve ordered fabric for the Anise jacket. In the meantime, I’ve got a few fall projects I’m planning to start putting together involving a few skirts and something to go atop them. Also on the agenda, I bought fabric over the weekend to make a winter coat for Guinevere. Since it isn’t cold enough weather yet for a heavy coat, I’m thinking I’ll put together my jacket first. Hopefully (especially since Guinevere’s will be from a Burda pattern) I’ll pick up some good pointers I can use for putting hers together.

So I already said I overbooked my day. Why am I still up awake and blogging instead of going sensibly to bed? Because I volunteered to make a chocolate-cherry cake for a thing tomorrow. Now that it’s done baking, I’m going to bed.






3 responses to “Redemption by Truffle”

  1. prttynpnk Avatar

    I love the contrast! You may have pushed me over the edge- I need this dress!

  2. liza jane Avatar

    I love that flounce. Very nice!

  3. ShanniLoves Avatar

    This dress looks great on you! Loving the contrast. Since sewing the Macaron I've become addicted to Colette. I believe my next goal is to sew my way through all the patterns. eeek!!

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