Tag: vintage

  • The Rear Window Dress: Petticoat and Skirt

    (You can read all posts about the Rear Window Dress by Aunty Laura.) Pulling It Apart Usually deconstruction is a release for me. I am either chopping off panels from garments willy-nilly as I let out some energy or am cultivating the fine art of patience as I meticulously separate a single seam—in either case…

  • The Rear Window Dress: Planning and Design

    (You can read all posts about the Rear Window Dress.) First things first. I needed to take stock of what I had and what I needed. I thought it might be best to take the dress apart first, to make sure that I could use the pieces and put them back together again without too…

  • The Rear Window Dress

    Here is another tardy post. Seeing so many pledges to stash-bust this year has prompted me to stop procrastinating, though being home sick with a cold hasn’t seemed to help my productivity this week. But today I’m feeling  a little better, and I’m just restless enough to drag myself to my computer to share some…

  • Vintage Noir

    This month’s challenge on The Monthly Stitch was vintage patterns. It was the perfect reason to finally get to a dress I’ve been planning to make for almost a year now.   The pattern is Advance 8211, a pattern so good they released it twice. First as Advance 7011 which was unprinted, and the second…